About Home Inspections
A home inspector performs a very valuable and important service. Professional home inspectors examine existing homes using professional standards as a measure to accurately report their condition to parties involved in the real estate transaction.
The home inspector does not evaluate the home for cost or value, but reports objectively in writing the condition of the home’s systems as they appear and operate at the time of the inspection. A detailed home inspection usually takes two to three hours or longer, depending on the home’s age and square footage. We recommend that you be present at your home inspection so that you can ask your inspector any questions and to look at any areas needing maintenance or repair.
What Should be Inspected?
Professional and competent home inspectors are fully trained in the proper operation of all commonly found home systems. These systems generally include:
- Structural Components: Foundations, floors and walls.
- Exterior Components: Siding paint, windows, decks, garage doors, etc.
- Roofing: Coverings, flashings, chimneys, etc.
- Plumbing: Piping, fixtures, faucets, water heating and fuel storage systems, etc.
- Electrical: Wiring, main service panels, conductors, switches, receptacles, etc.
- Heating: Equipment, safety controls, distribution systems, chimneys, etc.
- Air Conditioning and Heat Pumps: Cooling and air-handling equipment, controls and ducting, etc.
- Interior: Partitions, ceilings, floors, railings, doors and windows, etc.
- Insulation and Ventilation: Attics, walls, floors, foundations, kitchen and bathrooms, etc.
- RADON in Real Estate Transactions

Why do I need a Home Inspection?
Professionally trained home inspectors assist in maintaining the health of your home and a property inspection makes home maintenance easy by catching small problems before they become big surprises.
In just a few hours you’ll have a detailed report of the condition of your home so that you can plan for needed repairs and upgrades when it’s time to make them. When purchasing a home, many home buyers have saved literally thousands of dollars through information provided by the home inspector. Home owners who have owned their homes for several years can even benefit from
a home inspector’s knowledge of maintenance and repairs, and experience to avert potential problems. In many areas where disasters have occurred, homeowners have relied on inspectors
to help them identify any damage resulting from storms, earthquakes, etc.
This information was provided by www.homeinspections.com.
Questions? Please contact us at (218) 391-0356 or e-mail us at [email protected].